
Since 1996, Achievable has provided crucial services for children and adults living with developmental disabilities, many of whom have multiple disabilities and associated chronic & complex health issues. Dedicated to significantly improving the quality of life for this segment of the population, they have fulfilled unmet health, financial, and social needs, which are not addressed by government or other community resources. By working hand-in-hand with Westside Regional Center for the past 16 years, they have a built-in patient population. There is a shortage of pediatricians who treat children with developmental disabilities and although the majority of these children are covered by Medi-Cal, providers are reluctant to accept these highly-involved patients. Access to health care is a basic human need and absolutely essential for this vulnerable population and Achievable is addressing this need by creating a medical clinic which will provide high quality, specially tailored and comprehensive health care, and will address the need for proper medical care coordination. With a grant of $19,102.97, Achievable will purchase a digital infant scale, pediatric vision screener, pediatric hearing screener set, blood lead analyzer, blood hemoglobin analyzer, a temporal artery thermometer, pulse oximeter with pediatric and infant sensors, pediatric blood pressure kit, pediatric stethoscope, two otoscopes and two opthalmoscopes. The pediatric equipment will be in a common lab area, which can be used by all four examination rooms. The particular hearing and vision screeners requested are specifically designed for non-verbal patients. The blood chemistry analyzer requires only 1cc of blood, a simple finger prick, and analyzes immediately for on-the-spot diagnosis, minimizing lab visits which can be terrifying for these children. The Achievable Clinic will be the first of its kind, offering reduced patient waiting times, increased visit times and open communication with patients and families.

2013Moira Tenzer