Team Prime Time

Team Prime Time, a full-inclusion, peer mentor after-school sports program that pairs special needs student “athletes” with at-risk student “coaches” has been awarded a $5,726.53 grant. Team Prime Time requested jerseys as a safety measure for the children, grades K-12. Many of the athletes need constant supervision, and jerseys help to immediately identify the Prime Time kids, especially if there are other groups at the facility. The jerseys have helped athletes identify their coaches and teams, bringing more consistency to the environment, a significant component to a population of children that functions best under these circumstances. These jerseys make the coaches feel more important, more responsible for their athletes, and more attached to the program as a whole, all of which serve to increase self-esteem. Lastly, these jerseys make for a more authentic sports environment and serve to unite the kids, creating less of a distinction between “coach” and “athlete”. For some, this is the first time they have ever played on a team or worn a uniform. At the Team Prime Time Games, everyone wins.

2007Moira Tenzer