Upward Bound House

For over a decade, Upward Bound House has provided housing and supportive services for up to one year to homeless children and their families at their transitional living home called Family Place, in Santa Monica. Family homelessness is a regional issue in Los Angeles with over 10,000 homeless children, nearly 8,000 living in places unfit for human habitation. Homeless families are typically less visible than chronically homeless adults. In response to this crisis and in its efforts to eliminate homelessness among families with children, Upward Bound House is expanding by opening an emergency facility in Culver City. Family Shelter will serve up to 72 families per year, representing an opportunity to help approximately 140 homeless children per year. The facility is located in a strong community where families can re-integrate into productive lives. UBH will use our $16,767.00 grant to purchase 18 bunk beds and 36 mattresses because all children deserve a bed to sleep in at night. The bunk beds were specifically selected to stand up to hard use and provide excellent value, including storage drawers beneath the lower bunk. Rather than looking institutional, they are cozy wooden beds that will welcome children every night as a safe place to sleep. There will be 18 units at Family Shelter in which families can stay a maximum of 90 days. Each family will live in a private unit that has a front door that locks. Each unit is located in a secure facility, staffed by caring professionals. Case managers will work intensively to stabilize each family and identify the next step in their transition to self-sufficient housing. Professionals will provide educational classes and psychologists will provide counseling. During the school year, every child will be enrolled in school and provided with individual academic support. Every adult will be working or enrolled in vocational training. All children will have access to counseling, life skills classes, a computer and health facilities. Most importantly, every family will be together.

2009Moira Tenzer