Our grant of $35,000 supports their new school-wide social justice initiative with the hiring of an enrichment programs coordinator. New Village Girls Academy is an all-girls public charter high school located in the Rampart section of LA. Chartered by LAUSD, New Village caters to young women ages 14-21, who are hard to serve, have histories of school failure, and/or are facing extreme personal circumstances that make attending and succeeding in a traditional high school unlikely. The majority of students are within one or more of the at-risk categories established by the California Department of Education. Approximately 70 young women ages 14-21 will participate in career exploration and mentored internships. The Enrichment Programs Coordinator will assist in the development of a diversified mentor network and new internship possibilities. The goal is to provide opportunities for underserved Black and Latinx women to overcome the restraints of systemic racism and social injustice.